Monday, April 5, 2021

Neah-Kah-Nie School District Staff,  

It has been over a year since the pandemic abruptly changed our lives.  A year ago, students did not wear face protection or were required to maintain social distancing.   Students were not in cohorts and custodians did not have to disinfect play equipment.  Staff were not mandated to sign off on a daily COVID safety check off list.  Who would have predicted that some of us would work on site while many others would work from home or that we would communicate by Zoom?  As we all know, this year has been extremely challenging.  Our work and personal lives have confronted constant change.  One thing that has not changed, is the school district’s gratitude for staff.  Your work ethic, flexibility, commitment, compassion, innovation, and creativity during a world-wide pandemic is greatly appreciated.  April 5-9 is Neah-Kah-Nie School District’s Staff Appreciation Week.  One week out of the year when we recognize the work of our custodians, teachers, cooks, instructional assistants, secretaries, administrators, district office staff, Family Resource Coordinators, counselors, media specialists, and others.  A time to say THANK YOU!!!  

Sorry, there will not be meet/cheese & fruit platters this year.  There will be delicious cupcakes and NKN t-shirts.  


Paul Erlebach, Superintendent