The Neah-Kah-Nie School District community is made up of Staff, Students, Parents, and Residents of the communities we serve. Working together, we are accomplishing some amazing things at our four schools…
- Garibaldi Grade School (Wolves)
- Nehalem Elementary (Seagulls)
- NKN Middle School (Raiders)
- NKN High School (Pirates)
Your School District Staff
- $45,275 is the first year teacher salary with no teaching experience (2022-23)
- $48,665 is the first year teacher salary with a MA (2022-23)
- $90,546 is the top of the teacher salary (2022-23)
- Family Resource Coordinators at each school, District-wide Hispanic Family Resource Coordinator, Elementary literacy coach, Music teacher preschool-high school, Full time nurse, school counselors at each school, Free full day Preschool Promise, Instructional Technology Coach, Response to Instruction & Intervention(RTI) K-8
Home to: Oregon Secondary Media Specialist of the Year (Kathryn Harmon 2021), Oregon Small School’s Administrator of the Year (Kristi Woika, 2016), Oregon Small School’s Teacher of the Year (Cynthia Grelck, 2013)
![Teacher in the middle of a lesson for his class.](
Your Students
36 students were recognized for 42 scholarships totaling over $144,000 was earned by the class of 2022 with students entering the following:
- 4-yr college/university – 9
- 2-yr community college/vocational – 15
- Military –
- Trade school-5
- Undecided-
- 1086 average SAT score
- 36 students enrolled in the preschool (2022) program.
- 100% of Nehalem elementary students have access to swimming instruction
![A group of students plays basketball in the school gym.](
Your Schools
- 31% of students are enrolled in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program
- 600 meals served daily
- 525 students are transported to school
- 15% of students are identified as special needs students
- Over 90% of parents regularly attend parent teacher conferences
- 8% of students are identified as English as a Second Language
- Average elementary class size 17
- Average middle school class size 20
- Average high school class size 17
Your Facilities
- Outdoor play structures at Garibaldi Grade School and Nehalem Elementary (2021)
- $225,000 access control system district-wide (2020)
- $300,000 window and siding replacement, Garibaldi Grade School (2019)
- $3 million seismic upgrade grants Nehalem Elementary & Garibaldi Grade School (2018-19)
- $300,000 renovation of high school chemistry classroom (2019)
- $300,000 high school welding lab (2019)
- $2.5 million track & field renovation (2017)
- $1.5 million seismic upgrade grant Nehalem Elementary (2017)
- $16.5 million middle school bond will be paid off (2025)
- 216,000 number of square feet of building space is managed by your maintenance staff
![Aerial view of one of our lovely track and field facilities.](
Your Technology in Classrooms
- 1:1 Chromebook to student ratio grades 2-8
- Majority of high school classes with 1:1 Chromebook computer/to student ratio
- Most classrooms have Active Boards
- 100% of classrooms have projectors/Document Cameras
Your New Curriculums
- New curriculums in the last five years:
- Elementary: English Language Arts, literacy intervention, math, math intervention, music, health
- Middle School: English Language Arts, math, math intervention, science, social studies, band, choir
- High School: English Language Arts, math, math intervention, health, algebra, science, biology, Spanish