Welcome to our web page for Nehalem Elementary School (NES). We are in Nehalem just off of Highway 101. We serve about 175 students in grades Pre K-5. Our average class size is 18.
We have a Title I school-wide program, which benefits all students by providing extra support in the classroom for instruction. NES was designated a Model School for the 2014-2015 school year by the Oregon Department of Education which means we are in the top 5% of Title 1 schools.
We are fortunate to have a part-time Literacy Coach and a full time Elementary Counselor. We also have an onsite Preschool program that runs five full days per week and is free. Students and families have access to a full time Family Resource Coordinator. Students receive 30 minutes of PE per day, which includes swimming lessons at the NCRD for part of the school year. Students also have music education 2x per week. Art is provided through the volunteer parents called the Art Moms.
We have technology rich classrooms for students in grades K-5 where each student has access to a chrome book to enhance their learning.
We are a PBIS School (Positive Behavioral Interventions Support). The three school rules are ‘BE SAFE, BE RESPECTFUL, and BE RESPONSIBLE’
The staff is committed to improving their teaching skills and methods of instruction. They are a dedicated and caring group who support each other through collaboration and planning for instruction. We have a strong focus on reading, writing, and math. We provide extra support in reading through daily reading intervention time . We have a beautiful library and mobile computer lab.
Our school curriculum is enhanced by field trips and special activities funded through the Mudd Nick Foundation.
The Parent Group is actively involved in school activities. We are always looking for volunteers and applications can be found in the office.
Nehalem Elementary School is a wonderful place to learn and grow. The staff and I look forward to working with you and providing a wonderful learning experience for your children.
Kristi Mills, Principal
503-355-3650 or toll free 1-888-218-2455
36300 8th Street, Nehalem, OR 97131
Elementary Counselors
The Neah-Kah-Nie elementary counselors implement a comprehensive school guidance program designed to provide all students with resources and services to achieve success in their academic, career and personal/social domains. The counseling program is a systematic, collaborative, developmental and preventative approach that is integrated into the school’s mission and philosophy.
Nurses Information
Denise Weiss joined the NKN School District in 2021 as the first full-time District Nurse.
Denise has worked most of her life in healthcare in a variety of roles such as medical assistant, clerical/registration, and LPN before becoming a Registered Nurse. She has been a Registered Nurse for 13 years, with a love for community based nursing.
Denise worked in Washington and Idaho in a variety of settings such as Home Health and Hospice, RN Care Coordinator, Triage Nurse, Telephonic Nursing and various hospital floors such as the ER, Long term care, Labor and Delivery and other Medical floors.
When she moved to Oregon in 2016, Denise worked as an RN Care Coordinator at the Rinehart Clinic. At the Rinehart Clinic, Denise spent five and a half years, most recently as the Quality Director, working on projects such as team-based care, opioid reduction, and alternative payment models.
Denise has been a member of the Clinical Advisory Panel for the Columbia Pacific Coordinated Care Organization (CCO). She also has presented at various conferences such as the Northwest Regional Primary Care Conferences, Oregon Pain Guidance, and Columbia Pacific CCO.
Currently, Denise is an ECHO faculty member of OHSU on Team Based Diabetes Management. She is a member of the National Association of School Nurses and the Oregon School Nurse Association.
Denise has two children in the NKN schools, and lives in Nehalem with her spouse, kids and puppy. “Spending time outdoors” is their family’s favorite activity.
“As a parent involved in the schools, I have always been impressed with the staff and their commitment to students and families. I am excited to be a part of the school community, bringing healthcare support through nursing services in the schools.”